LeBlanc's website


Website Info:
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This is a personal website created for fun. I seek to acquire knowledge and experience by engineering solutions for problems that naturally arise according to my needs.
I will be hosting shitposts things that I enjoy, terrible outsider art my artistic experiments, as well as disjointed rants writings on various subjects.
If you have any questions or would simply like to reach out, please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks for reading!


General information
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Soul experiencing human life as an Acadian man in the 21st century.

I am drawn to multimedia arts, notably Music, Film, Video Games, and Literature. Yeah I may CONSOOM MEDIA but at least I can gleam some inspiration from experiencing personally curated media sourced from recommendations, greatest of all time lists, or other historically or artistically significant works. I like to read about the arts and artists, and I'm fascinated with creation.

I have a penchant for comedy, mysteries, the emerging field of interactive media, philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, sociology, the study of cultural movements, creative expression, freedom of speech, Liberty, Anti-authoritarianism, rational skepticism, the accumulation of wisdom, the quest for knowledge, the potential of the Internet, and the intersection of all these fields.

I respect and value the Auteur, and wish to embody that archetype. I wish to create multimedia manifestos in the form of projects in which I have creative control without the fear of running into opposition. I believe that I can perform as a Jester critical of society, advocating for a better World through bridging the gap between high-level concepts and digestible entertainment. I draw inspiration from dark comedy and Jester's privilege. Funny sprinkled with Truth.

Auteurs such as Hideo Kojima, Norm MacDonald, Tom Green, Mike David of Redbar Radio, Joshua Conner Moon (null), MillionDollarExtreme, and Luke M Smith are all huge inspirations for me to pursue independence, crowd-funding, artistic liberty through sticking to your guns and just being based.

I have an interest in the history of each medium and the techniques (inputs) developed to evoque reactions (outputs) from the audience. I am fascinated by the relationship between art and audience and wish to push the boundaries of a multimedia product.

I wish to share my soul's perspective on life creatively and share it in search of likeminded individuals, to provoke conversations, and hopefully innovate and make the world a better place. I believe the Internet is the single most innovative tool for reaching an audience as it places the power in the hands of individuals to self-publish.

I wish to leave a legacy by expressing my soul on record, and believe that I could innovate in the field of Interactive Entertainment due to my passion for the medium, the ability to create in various disciplines, and the mental eye to visualize these artforms interacting and coming together in a multimedia project such as a Video Game.

I have a lot to say but I wish to do so creatively to the best of my ability and for the longest time possible. Any time not spent on pursuing creation is in vain.

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Top Albums of All Time
My current 7x7 chart of favorite Music Records, sorted Alphabetically/Release date.

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Top Films of All Time
My current 5x5 chart of favorite Films, Grouped by Director/Style.